It's Spring Time! Is Your Swimming Pool Ready? Tips for Babylon, NY, Homeowners

It's Spring Time! Is Your Swimming Pool Ready? Tips for Babylon, NY, Homeowners

If you’re looking out of your kitchen window longing for warm, lazy poolside summer days, you can take solace in the fact that it won’t be long before everyone is splashing and having fun. But there’s a bit of work to do before the first cannonball. As you think about what your swimming pool needs to be ready for its peak season, consider these tips for Babylon, NY, homeowners.


What’s Your Swimming Pool Area Missing?

As you consider pool maintenance requirements for spring, you could also consider how the area could be freshened up. Perhaps it’s time to incorporate new poolside plantings. Container gardening is a great way to add greenery at the poolside. Containers can be moved so that you can maintain the pool deck, and they are decorative accents that echo your design style.

While you look around, you may think of other features that are missing from your backyard retreat. For instance, is your pool area missing shade? It’s relaxing to sit in the sun but after a while, you’ll want some shade to cool off under. Whether it’s a pergola, pavilion, gazebo, or cabana, a new feature could bring shade to your post-swim relaxing moments.

A fire pit or outdoor fireplace near the pool area would offer a comfortable place to relax after a dip in the pool. Consider choosing gas- or propane-fueled fire features since they are cleaner and more convenient. You will also get much more use out of your backyard if you install a fire feature, which is an inviting spot to hang out long after the pool is closed up for the season.

A poolside bar with a beverage cooler near the pool area is another consideration. This will prevent endless trips to the house for drinks or snacks.  

If your pool feels too static unless someone is in it, turn it into a beautiful water feature by adding a sheer-descent waterfall! The soothing sounds of water will mute the sounds of the neighborhood and provide an endless visual treat as the light plays off moving water. And who doesn’t love to swim under a waterfall?

Introduce Privacy

Add privacy to your pool area with a chic slat wall made of teak for spa-like ambience; a masonry wall with built-in planters that becomes a lush vertical garden; or a row of tall, stately cedars that provides a living barrier to the outside world. Walls don’t have to be straight, either. An undulating wall adds a sensuous touch to your pool area. A privacy wall can become a stunning focal point!


Spring Pool Maintenance

As for what’s involved in swimming pool maintenance, the work begins with draining and storing the pool cover. If the pool itself wasn’t drained, it may need to be topped off with fresh water. Testing of equipment and treatments will follow. Visual inspection can look for any repairs that are needed. Finally, a search for all the pool toys like the floating basketball hoop and lounge chairs will complete the look and the sense that summer will be here soon. Ideally, the pool will be ready at the first sign of warm-weather days.


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